Lectures / Seminars
Valentina Bartolucci is regularly invited to give lectures on security issues, terrorism, strategic communication, soft power and peace studies by the University of Pisa (MA in Science for Peace, MA GE.CO), University of Florence (MA in Mediterranean Studies, MA GE.CO) University of Paris Dauphine, as well as by the UK Ministry of Defence. Few examples below:
- Chair, Intelligent machines, machine learning and neuromorphic computing: risks of dual use, European Institute for Theoretical Neuroscience, Paris, March 11, 2016
- Speaker, "Il 'terrorismo' oggi: una riflessione sulla crescente importanza della comunicazione e sul coinvolgimento di donne e bambini", Seminar on Small Wars? Guerre, conflitti e terrorismi del mondo attuale with Francesco Strazzari, University of Pisa, December 15, 2015.
- Speaker, "Mainstream and critical approaches to study and research terrorism", Seminar, MA in Peace Studies, University of Pisa, May 15, 2014.
- Lecturer, "Understanding radical discourses in terrorism prevention", Course Terrorism: Trends, Causes and Responses, Peace Studies Division, School of Social and International Studies, University of Bradford, location: Heaton Mount, February 25, 2015.
- Chevening Lecturer, "Democracy, Security and Islam in Morocco", University of Bradford, Chevening Lecture, 17 March 2010.
- Speaker and Facilitator, "Strategies for National and Sub-Regional Preparation for 2008 High Level Review of the Paris Declaration in Ghana", representing UNDP Resident Representative and Resident Coordinator, Ghana, December 14th, 2006.
- Speaker and Facilitator, "The roles of Refugees in Post-conflict Reconstruction: The Case of Liberian Refugees in Accra", sponsored by UNHCR and the University of Alberta, December 8th, 2006.